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Saturday, September 04, 2004

Maxis New 256k Sim Card

A few days back Celcom had launched a new 128k sim card application. Throughout the tv, celcom is promoting their new 128k sim card. Yesterday MAXIS had launched a new 256k sim card. Which they claim can store up to 1k phone number and 100 of messages in the sim card alone. What a competitive world of telecommunication. It is just a matter of question; do we need a huge storage in our phone nowadays? Even the phone itself nowadays can accommodate quite a huge memory. Most of the phone in the market today can accommodate 250 entries for purposes of storing phone number. And some of advanced phone even have their own memory card, for example the Nokia 3360 which have their own MMC Card.

The best part is; if a MAXIS customer would like to upgrade their sim card from 64k to 256k they have to pay for RM65 which I consider quite hefty. Maxis nie memang bab nak ambik kesempatan keatas orang memang pandai. Its better for me to use the current 64k card because I don’t see any need for me to change to the new sim card which is costly. Dengan duit sebanyak tu baik den boli buku atau sodokah kek orang ado gak paedahnya. Since my phone can accommodate 500 entries, there is no point for me to change for a new sim card.

Satu lagi maxis nie dari segi kos sedikit mahallah. Memang tak dinafikan. Especially the GPRS rate. DIGI is the cheapest operator for GPRS services.(heheh…promo DIGI sat) Tapi den still gak pakai maxis nie. Antara punca utama yang yg den masih pakai adalah kerana coveragenya agak baik dan user friendly dari segi nak membayar dan memeriksa bil. Mungkin sbb tulah depa charge mahal sikit. Ada setengah orang cakap celcom punya coverage pon baik jugak. Memang betoi celcom nya coverage bolih dikatakan baik, tapi ada sedikit kelemahan yang patut diperbaiki oleh pihak celcom. Saya sebelom beralih ke Maxis pon duk pakai celcom, tp disebabkan satu quality ini kurang I shift to Maxis.

Wallahu ‘alam…


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