Wahai Tuhan kami, berilah kami beroleh dari isteri-isteri dan zuriat keturunan kami : Perkara-perkara yang menyukakan hati melihatnya dan jadikanlah kami imam ikutan bagi orang-orang yang (mahu) bertakwa. (Al-Furqan:74) akhifaizul Blogging Portal

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Loving & Hating for The Sake of ALLAH.

Love is having affection and hating is its opposite. A person may love another for their wealth, or beauty, or honour or lineage, or for personal gain, or for a worldly desire or fleeting aim. All of these reasons are detestable in Islam which has laid down the reasons for loving and hating - and it is the Deen.

Therefore the Muslim does not love a person except for the correctness of his Deen, and does not hate a person except for the corruption of his Deen. He SAW said: "There are three characteristics whoever has them will find the sweetness of eemaan: That Allah and His Messenger are more beloved to him than all else; that be loves a person and does not love him except for Allah; and that be would hate to revert to unbelief just as be would hate to be thrown into the fire. "(Reported by Bukhari and Muslim)

Therefore the Muslim loves the prophets, the righteous ones loved by Allah, the sincere followers of the prophets, the martyrs and the pious - since they carry out that which Allah loves, so he loves them for Allah and this is from the completion of his love for Allah since loving the beloved of the one that you love is from the completion of love for the one that you love. Further, he hates the unbelievers, the hypocrites and the people of innovation and sin, since they do that which Allah hates so he hates them for Allah.

So whoever does this has loved for Allah and hated for Allah and Allah is sufficient for him and is the most excellent Protector,

Know that loving for Allah and hating for Allah is not the same as alliance (walaa with the Believers and separating oneself (baraa) from the polytheists (musyrik), but rather it differs in that:

(a) Alliance and separation (al-walaa' wal baraa’) is the foundation, and loving and hating is a matter from its completion,
(b) Loving and hating necessarily follows on from alliance and separation - and not the opposite.

10 perkara sia-sia

SUFYAN ats-Tsauri, seorang ulama hadis yang terkemuka, menyatakan ada 10 perkara termasuk kategori sia-sia, iaitu:

1. Lelaki atau wanita yang berdoa untuk dirinya sendiri, tetapi tidak dimohonkannya doa untuk ibu bapanya sendiri dan kaum Muslimin.
2. Orang yang sering membaca al-Quran, tetapi tidak membaca secara tertib hingga 100 ayat setiap hari.
3. Lelaki yang masuk ke dalam masjid, kemudian dia keluar kembali dari masjid tanpa mengerjakan solat tahyatul masjid.
4. Orang yang melewati tanah perkuburan, tetapi tidak mengucapkan salam kepada penghuni kubur dan tidak mendoakan untuk keselamatan arwah mereka.
5. Lelaki yang masuk pada hari Jumaat ke suatu kota, kemudian dia keluar dari kota itu tanpa mengerjakan solat Jumaat berjemaah.
6. Lelaki atau wanita yang tinggal dalam suatu lingkungan dengan seorang ulama, tetapi dia tidak mempergunakan kesempatan itu untuk menambah ilmu pengetahuan.
7. Dua lelaki yang bersahabat, tetapi mereka tidak saling menanyakan keadaan masing-masing dan keluarganya.
8. Lelaki yang mengundang seseorang menjadi tetamunya, tetapi melayan tetamu itu acuh tak acuh.
9. Pemuda yang menjadikan zaman mudanya berlalu begitu saja tanpa memanfaatkan waktu berharga untuk menuntut ilmu dan meningkatkan budi pekerti.
10. Orang yang tidak menyedari tetangganya merintih kelaparan, sedangkan dia sendiri makan kekenyangan di rumahnya.


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